For some guys it all seems effortless, doesn't it? They seem to move with ease through life naturally earning the approval--and the respect--of most everyone they meet. When they speak, ears around them perk up eagerly awaiting what is going to be said next. Whatever they do, others just want to be a part of it. And everything they touch seems to turn to gold...all thanks to the "halo effect" that surrounds their fantastically charmed lives.Grab A Copy Click Here
Why? Because somehow those guys are just cooler than everyone else...that's why.
I've been a professional dating coach for sometime now and helped thousands of guys get better with women. And there's one thing I've noticed along the way: Cool guys never have any problem getting women to notice them.
And what's more, all the guys around them also take notice and tend to want to be just like them. It's like having the world by the tail...literally.
So what does it take to be cool?
I spent over a decade immersed in the high-tech world of networking and telecom. While the engineering staff always worked very hard crunching algorithms and software code, it was the salesguys who always seemed to have more fun and make more money.
As frustrating as it sounds, it's almost as if those guys were being paid double what the engineers were getting paid simply to show customers a good time! Now, certainly there was more to their job than that. But let's face it--the high-end salesguys were often simply being paid to be cool.
That's a "head scratcher" in and of itself, but it's not the whole story. Some of those guys actually didn't seem so "cool" after you got to know them. Was it that they were just manipulators? Were others just jealous?
The truth is that simply "looking cool" really can get you farther in life than you ever dreamed. But it still doesn't take you far enough.Grab A Copy Click Here
And I'll tell you, when the dust clears real, genuine coolness is an exceedingly rare and exquisite trait.
And those few who possess it don't simply fool their sales managers into letting them have a job for a while.
The truth is, the truly cool amongst us rule the world.
Being "The Real Deal" has its privileges.Yet putting one's finger on what really defines cool has endured as one of the great questions in life...the answers to which proving amazingly elusive.
Having been fascinated by what "coolness" is and why it's so attractive, I decided to go in search of the answers. After all, I'm a fellow traveler on this journey with you.
And regardless of what your social skills and popularity status are right now, who amongst us wouldn't love to be just a bit (or a lot) cooler than we are today?
And after countless hours puzzling over all the mind-blowing information I've discovered, I've compiled every single bit of it into one epic audio book (now with full transcription included) that I'm ready to share with you at last.
Considering there has never been a program like this ever before (I Googled every combination of key words I could think of) I have no reason to hold anything back.
Finally, every secret to being cool that guys like you and me have always wanted to know has been distilled into rational, practical concepts and presented in a manner that is not only easy to understand...but easy to transfer into reality in your life NOW.
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